Q: What is the GPS-4000S (-100) and GLU-2100 issue?

A: After June 8th, 2019 00:00:00 UTC time, the Collins Aerospace GPS-4000S (-100) and GLU-2100 products exhibited a condition that resulted in loss of GPS. Initial reports indicated that position data was not being reported. These aircraft exhibited a fault that was caused by a continual reset condition of the GPS units.

With loss of GPS function, operators may see associated failures from equipment that use position data on an aircraft. However, Collins has confirmed the Transponders and TCAS units continue to operate safely without the position data being reported.


Q: Why did this issue occur?

A: The GLU-2100 and GPS-4000S-100 have a common GPS software. This common software receives updated GPS constellation health, status and timing information on a regular basis. For the GPS week of June 9, 2019 to June 15, 2019, there is a software calculation that causes a reset condition resulting in loss of the GPS function. This condition is not due to GPS constellation anomalies.

Collins has confirmed GLU-2100 and GPS-4000 units that have not been powered on and acquired a GPS signal between June 9, 2019 at 0:00 UTC to June 15, 2019 at 23:59:59 UTC will perform as expected beginning June 16, 2019 at 0:00 UTC. As a result, Collins is requesting all efforts be made to not power on GPS-4000 and GLU-2100 until June 16, 2019 0:15 UTC or after. Collins will provide a software update to address this condition.


Q: What specific equipment is included in this issue?

 A: The two units affected are:

  • GPS-4000S – P/N 822-2189-100
    • Confirmed impact is pre- or post- SB15 -100 units are
  • GLU-2100 – P/N 822-2532-100

We recommend reviewing GPS-4000S (P/N 822-2189-004) for SB13. All other GPS units are not affected by this issue.


Q: If I don’t have these part numbers on my aircraft, am I impacted?

A: No. If you do not have either of the above part number units installed on your aircraft you are not affected by this issue.


Q: What action do I need to take?

A: If you have not powered up your unit, leave it off until after June 16, 2019 00:15 UTC.

If you have powered up your GPS-4000S or GLU-2100 unit and it is locked, please contact your OEM and regulatory authority to obtain an MMEL or MEL extension if possible.

In either case, please contact AMKA Aviation. This will enable us to contact you directly with updates as we progress to correct this issue.


Q: What is significant about June 16, 2019 (00:00 UTC)?

A: The continuous software reset condition that occurs with the GPS-4000S-100 and GLU-2100 occurs during a timing calculation. When the GPS week transitions to the next GPS week, this condition will not occur, and the timing calculation will execute as expected.

Collins recommends waiting an additional 15 minutes past 00:00 UTC (00:15 UTC) before powering on the unit. Equipment that has been operational from June 9, 2019 at 0:00 UTC to June 15, 2019 at 23:59:59 UTC with line of sight to satellite constellation and is currently exhibiting failure will need to have additional actions taken to return to normal operation.


Q: Where can I find more information on the GPS-4000S (-100) and GLU-2100 issue?

A: Collins is currently working on additional information for impacted users and near-term actions. We will provide this information to you as soon as it is available.


Q: What is Collins Aerospace doing to address the issue?

A: The Collins team is actively working to provide a solution to recover GPS functionality for fielded units, as well as a software update to address the condition. We are committed to keeping customers updated on our progress through regular communication from your Collins Customer Service Engineer or Regional Sales Manager.


Q: When will the solution be available and how do I receive the update?

A: Collins is actively working on a long-term resolution. We are preparing an implementation plan and will provide it to the impacted users as soon as it is available.

When the final software update is complete, Collins will send out a communication with details on how to obtain and load it to your aircraft.


Q. Does my aircraft need to go to a service center to get the update?

A: Take no action at this time. When a software solution has been made available, Collins will send out a communication with further details on how to obtain and load the updated software. This will include any instructions related to the role of service centers and dealers.


Q. How much will the software update cost?

A: This software update will be covered under warranty for all customers.


Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the AMKA team here.